
 * KS0108.c
 *  Created on: May 13, 2024
 *      Author: PC-MAGHREBI
#include "KS0108.h"

// Delay in milliseconds
void _delay_ms(uint32_t ms) {

// Delay in microseconds
void _delay_us(uint32_t us) {
    volatile uint32_t delay = us * (SystemCoreClock / 1000000) / 5; // Adjust the divisor to fit your system
    while (delay--);
//----- Auxiliary data ------//
uint8_t __GLCD_Buffer[__GLCD_Screen_Width][__GLCD_Screen_Lines];

#define __GLCD_XtoChip(X)        ((X < (__GLCD_Screen_Width / __GLCD_Screen_Chips)) ? Chip_1 : Chip_2)
#define __GLCD_Min(X, Y)        ((X < Y) ? X : Y)
#define __GLCD_AbsDiff(X, Y)    ((X > Y) ? (X - Y) : (Y - X))
#define __GLCD_Swap(X, Y)        do { typeof(X) t = X; X = Y; Y = t; } while (0)

//----- Prototypes ----------------------------//
static void GLCD_Send(const uint8_t Data);
static void GLCD_WaitBusy(enum Chip_t Chip);
static void GLCD_BufferWrite(const uint8_t X, const uint8_t Y, const uint8_t Data);
static uint8_t GLCD_BufferRead(const uint8_t X, const uint8_t Y);
static void GLCD_SelectChip(enum Chip_t Chip);
static void __GLCD_GotoX(const uint8_t X);
static void __GLCD_GotoY(const uint8_t Y);
static void GLCD_DrawHLine(uint8_t X1, uint8_t X2, const uint8_t Y, enum Color_t Color);
static void GLCD_DrawVLine(uint8_t Y1, uint8_t Y2, const uint8_t X, enum Color_t Color);
static void Int2bcd(int32_t Value, char BCD[]);
static inline void Pulse_En(void);

//----- Functions -------------//
void GLCD_SendCommand(const uint8_t Command, enum Chip_t Chip)
    //Check if busy
    if (Chip != Chip_All)
    DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_DI, Low);      //RS = 0
    DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_RW, Low);      //RW = 0
    //Send data

void GLCD_SendData(const uint8_t Data, enum Chip_t Chip)
    //Check if busy
    if (Chip != Chip_All)

    DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_DI, High);     //RS = 1
    DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_RW, Low);      //RW = 0

    //Send data
    GLCD_Send(__GLCD.Mode == GLCD_Non_Inverted ? Data : ~Data);
    if (__GLCD.X == (__GLCD_Screen_Width / __GLCD_Screen_Chips))
    else if (__GLCD.X >= __GLCD_Screen_Width)
        __GLCD.X = __GLCD_Screen_Width - 1;

void GLCD_Setup(void)
    //Setup pins
    PinMode(GPIOA,GLCD_D0, Output);    //GLCD pins = Outputs
    PinMode(GPIOA,GLCD_D1, Output);
    PinMode(GPIOA,GLCD_D2, Output);
    PinMode(GPIOA,GLCD_D3, Output);
    PinMode(GPIOA,GLCD_D4, Output);
    PinMode(GPIOA,GLCD_D5, Output);
    PinMode(GPIOA,GLCD_D6, Output);
    PinMode(GPIOA,GLCD_D7, Output);

    PinMode(GPIOB,GLCD_CS1, Output);
    PinMode(GPIOB,GLCD_CS2, Output);
    PinMode(GPIOB,GLCD_DI, Output);
    PinMode(GPIOB,GLCD_EN, Output);
    PinMode(GPIOB,GLCD_RW, Output);
    PinMode(GPIOB,GLCD_RST, Output);

    DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_DI, Low);        //GLCD pins = 0
    DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_RW, Low);
    DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_EN, Low);
    DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_RST, Low);    //!RST
    DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_RST, High);

    //Initialize chips
    GLCD_SendCommand(__GLCD_Command_On, Chip_All);
    GLCD_SendCommand(__GLCD_Command_Display_Start, Chip_All);

    //Go to 0,0
    GLCD_GotoXY(0, 0);
    //Reset GLCD structure
    __GLCD.Mode = GLCD_Non_Inverted;
    __GLCD.X = __GLCD.Y = __GLCD.Font.Width = __GLCD.Font.Height = __GLCD.Font.Lines = 0;

void GLCD_Render(void)
    uint8_t i, j;
    for (j = 0 ; j < __GLCD_Screen_Height ; j += __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height)
        for (i = 0 ; i < __GLCD_Screen_Width ; i++)
            GLCD_SendData(GLCD_BufferRead(i, __GLCD.Y), __GLCD_XtoChip(i));

void GLCD_InvertMode(void)
    if (__GLCD.Mode == GLCD_Inverted)
        __GLCD.Mode = GLCD_Non_Inverted;
        __GLCD.Mode = GLCD_Inverted;

void GLCD_Clear(void)
    GLCD_FillScreen(__GLCD.Mode == GLCD_Non_Inverted ? GLCD_White : GLCD_Black);

void GLCD_ClearLine(const uint8_t Line)
    if (Line < __GLCD_Screen_Lines)
        uint8_t i, color;
        i = 0;
        color = __GLCD.Mode == GLCD_Non_Inverted ? GLCD_White : GLCD_Black;

        GLCD_GotoXY(0, Line * __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height);
        for (i = 0 ; i < __GLCD_Screen_Width ; i++)
            GLCD_BufferWrite(i, __GLCD.Y, color);    

void GLCD_GotoX(const uint8_t X)
    if (X < __GLCD_Screen_Width)
        __GLCD.X = X;

void GLCD_GotoY(const uint8_t Y)
    if (__GLCD.Y < __GLCD_Screen_Height)
        __GLCD.Y = Y;

void GLCD_GotoXY(const uint8_t X, const uint8_t Y)

void GLCD_GotoLine(const uint8_t Line)
    if (Line < __GLCD_Screen_Lines)
        __GLCD.Y = Line * __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height;

uint8_t GLCD_GetX(void)
    return __GLCD.X;

uint8_t GLCD_GetY(void)
    return __GLCD.Y;

uint8_t GLCD_GetLine(void)
    return (__GLCD.Y / __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height);

void GLCD_SetPixel(const uint8_t X, const uint8_t Y, enum Color_t Color)
    uint8_t data = 0;
    //Goto to point
    GLCD_GotoXY(X, Y);

    //Read data
    data = GLCD_BufferRead(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y);
    //Set pixel
    if (Color == GLCD_Black)
        BitSet(data, Y % 8);
        BitClear(data, Y % 8);
    //Sent data
    GLCD_BufferWrite(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y, data);

void GLCD_SetPixels(const uint8_t X1, uint8_t Y1, const uint8_t X2, const uint8_t Y2, enum Color_t Color)
    if ((X1 < __GLCD_Screen_Width) && (X2 < __GLCD_Screen_Width) &&
    (Y1 < __GLCD_Screen_Height) && (Y2 < __GLCD_Screen_Height))
        uint8_t height, width, offset, mask, h, i, data;
        height = Y2 - Y1 + 1;
        width = X2 - X1 + 1;
        offset = Y1 % __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height;
        Y1 -= offset;
        mask = 0xFF;
        data = 0;

        //Calculate mask for top fractioned region
        if (height <(__GLCD_Screen_Line_Height - offset))
            mask >>=(__GLCD_Screen_Line_Height - height);
            h = height;
            h = __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height - offset;
        mask <<= offset;

        //Draw fractional rows at the top of the region
        GLCD_GotoXY(X1, Y1);
        for (i = 0 ; i < width ; i++)
            data = GLCD_BufferRead(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y);
            data = ((Color == GLCD_Black) ? (data | mask) : (data & ~mask));
            GLCD_BufferWrite(__GLCD.X++, __GLCD.Y, data);

        //Full rows
        while ((h + __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height) <= height)
            h += __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height;
            Y1 += __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height;
            GLCD_GotoXY(X1, Y1);
            for (i = 0 ; i < width ; i++)
                GLCD_BufferWrite(__GLCD.X++, __GLCD.Y, Color);

        //Fractional rows at the bottom of the region
        if (h < height)
            mask = ~(0xFF << (height - h));
            GLCD_GotoXY(X1, Y1 + __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height);
            for (i = 0 ; i < width ; i++)
                data = GLCD_BufferRead(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y);
                data = ((Color == GLCD_Black) ? (data | mask) : (data & ~mask));
                GLCD_BufferWrite(__GLCD.X++, __GLCD.Y, data);

void GLCD_DrawBitmap(const uint8_t *Bitmap, uint8_t Width, const uint8_t Height, enum PrintMode_t Mode)
    uint16_t lines, bmpRead, bmpReadPrev;
    uint8_t x, y, y2, i, j, overflow, data, dataPrev;
    lines = bmpRead = bmpReadPrev = x = y = i = j = overflow = data = dataPrev = 0;
    //#1 - Save current position
    x = __GLCD.X;
    y = y2 = __GLCD.Y;
    //#2 - Read width - First two bytes
    data = __GLCD.X + Width;                                                        //"data" is used temporarily
    //If character exceed screen bounds, reduce
    if (data >= __GLCD_Screen_Width)
        Width -= data - __GLCD_Screen_Width;
    //#3 - Read height - Second two bytes - Convert to lines
    lines = (Height + __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height - 1) / __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height;    //lines = Ceiling(A/B) = (A+B-1)/B
    data = __GLCD.Y / __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height + lines;                            //"data" is used temporarily
    //If bitmap exceed screen bounds, reduce
    if (data > __GLCD_Screen_Lines)
        lines -= data - __GLCD_Screen_Lines;
    //#4 - Calculate overflowing bits
    overflow = __GLCD.Y % __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height;
    //#5 - Print the character
    //Scan the lines needed
    for (j = 0 ; j < lines ; j++)
        //Go to the start of the line
        GLCD_GotoXY(x, y);
        //Update the indices for reading the line
        bmpRead = j * Width;
        bmpReadPrev = bmpRead - Width;        //Previous = 4 + (j - 1) * width = Current - width

        //Scan bytes of selected line
        for (i = 0 ; i < Width ; i++)
            //Read byte
            data = pgm_read_byte(&(Bitmap[bmpRead++]));
            //Shift byte
            data <<= overflow;
            //Merge byte with previous one
            if (j > 0)
                dataPrev = pgm_read_byte(&(Bitmap[bmpReadPrev++]));
                dataPrev >>= __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height - overflow;
                data |= dataPrev;
            //Edit byte depending on the mode
            if (Mode == GLCD_Merge)
                data |= GLCD_BufferRead(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y);
            //Send byte
            GLCD_BufferWrite(__GLCD.X++, __GLCD.Y, data);
        //Send an empty column of 1px in the end'
        if (__GLCD.Font.Mode == GLCD_Overwrite)
            data = GLCD_White;
            data = GLCD_BufferRead(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y);
        GLCD_BufferWrite(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y, data);
        //Increase line counter
        y += __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height;

    //#6 - Update last line, if needed
    if (lines > 1)
        //Go to the start of the line
        GLCD_GotoXY(x, y);
        //Update the index for reading the last printed line
        bmpReadPrev = (j - 1) * Width;

        //Scan bytes of selected line
        for (i = 0 ; i < Width ; i++)
            //Read byte
            data = GLCD_BufferRead(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y);
            //Merge byte with previous one
            dataPrev = pgm_read_byte(&(Bitmap[bmpReadPrev++]));
            dataPrev >>= __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height - overflow;
            data |= dataPrev;
            //Edit byte depending on the mode
            if (Mode == GLCD_Merge)
                data |= GLCD_BufferRead(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y);
            //Send byte
            GLCD_BufferWrite(__GLCD.X++, __GLCD.Y, data);
        //Send an empty column of 1px in the end
        if (__GLCD.Font.Mode == GLCD_Overwrite)
            data = GLCD_White;
        else if (__GLCD.Font.Mode == GLCD_Merge)
            data = GLCD_BufferRead(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y);
            data = ~GLCD_BufferRead(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y);
        GLCD_BufferWrite(__GLCD.X++, __GLCD.Y,data);
    //Go to the upper-right corner of the printed bitmap
    GLCD_GotoXY(GLCD_GetX(), y2);

void GLCD_DrawLine(uint8_t X1, uint8_t Y1, uint8_t X2, uint8_t Y2, enum Color_t Color)
    if ((X1 < __GLCD_Screen_Width) && (X2 < __GLCD_Screen_Width) &&
    (Y1 < __GLCD_Screen_Height) && (Y2 < __GLCD_Screen_Height))
        if (X1 == X2)
            GLCD_DrawVLine(Y1, Y2, X1, Color);
        else if (Y1 == Y2)
            GLCD_DrawHLine(X1, X2, Y1, Color);
            uint8_t deltax, deltay, x, y, slope;
            int8_t error, ystep;
            slope = ((__GLCD_AbsDiff(Y1, Y2) > __GLCD_AbsDiff(X1,X2)) ? 1 : 0);
            if (slope)
                //Swap x1, y1
                __GLCD_Swap(X1, Y1);
                //Swap x2, y2
                __GLCD_Swap(X2, Y2);
            if (X1 > X2)
                //Swap x1, x2
                __GLCD_Swap(X1, X2);
                //Swap y1,y2
                __GLCD_Swap(Y1, Y2);
            deltax = X2 - X1;
            deltay = __GLCD_AbsDiff(Y2, Y1);
            error = deltax / 2;
            y = Y1;
            ystep = ((Y1 < Y2) ? 1 : -1);
            for (x=X1 ; x<=X2 ; x++)
                if (slope)
                    GLCD_SetPixel(y, x, Color);
                    GLCD_SetPixel(x, y, Color);
                error -= deltay;
                if (error < 0)
                    y = y + ystep;
                    error = error + deltax;

void GLCD_DrawRectangle(const uint8_t X1, const uint8_t Y1, const uint8_t X2, const uint8_t Y2, enum Color_t Color)
    if ((X1 < __GLCD_Screen_Width) && (X2 < __GLCD_Screen_Width) &&
    (Y1 < __GLCD_Screen_Height) && (Y2 < __GLCD_Screen_Height))
        GLCD_DrawHLine(X1, X2, Y1, Color);
        GLCD_DrawHLine(X1, X2, Y2, Color);
        GLCD_DrawVLine(Y1, Y2, X1, Color);
        GLCD_DrawVLine(Y1, Y2, X2, Color);

void GLCD_DrawRoundRectangle(const uint8_t X1, const uint8_t Y1, const uint8_t X2, const uint8_t Y2, const uint8_t Radius, enum Color_t Color)
    if ((X1<__GLCD_Screen_Width) && (X2<__GLCD_Screen_Width) &&
    (Y1<__GLCD_Screen_Height) && (Y2<__GLCD_Screen_Height))

        int16_t tSwitch = 3 - 2 * Radius;
        uint8_t width, height, x, y;
        width = X2-X1;
        height = Y2-Y1;
        x = 0;
        y = Radius;

        //Draw perimeter
        GLCD_DrawHLine(X1+Radius, X2-Radius, Y1, Color);    //Top
        GLCD_DrawHLine(X1+Radius, X2-Radius, Y2, Color);    //Bottom
        GLCD_DrawVLine(Y1+Radius, Y2-Radius, X1, Color);    //Left
        GLCD_DrawVLine(Y1+Radius, Y2-Radius, X2, Color);    //Right
        while (x <= y)
            //Upper left corner
            GLCD_SetPixel(X1+Radius-x, Y1+Radius-y, Color);
            GLCD_SetPixel(X1+Radius-y, Y1+Radius-x, Color);

            //Upper right corner
            GLCD_SetPixel(X1+width-Radius+x, Y1+Radius-y, Color);
            GLCD_SetPixel(X1+width-Radius+y, Y1+Radius-x, Color);

            //Lower left corner
            GLCD_SetPixel(X1+Radius-x, Y1+height-Radius+y, Color);
            GLCD_SetPixel(X1+Radius-y, Y1+height-Radius+x, Color);

            //Lower right corner
            GLCD_SetPixel(X1+width-Radius+x, Y1+height-Radius+y, Color);
            GLCD_SetPixel(X1+width-Radius+y, Y1+height-Radius+x, Color);

            if (tSwitch < 0)
                tSwitch += 4 * x + 6;
                tSwitch += 4 * (x - y) + 10;

void GLCD_DrawTriangle(const uint8_t X1, const uint8_t Y1, const uint8_t X2, const uint8_t Y2, const uint8_t X3, const uint8_t Y3, enum Color_t Color)
    if (((X1 < __GLCD_Screen_Width) && (X2 < __GLCD_Screen_Width) && (X3 < __GLCD_Screen_Width) &&
        (Y1 < __GLCD_Screen_Height) && (Y2 < __GLCD_Screen_Height) && (Y3 < __GLCD_Screen_Height)))
        GLCD_DrawLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Color);
        GLCD_DrawLine(X2, Y2, X3, Y3, Color);
        GLCD_DrawLine(X3, Y3, X1, Y1, Color);

void GLCD_DrawCircle(const uint8_t CenterX, const uint8_t CenterY, const uint8_t Radius, enum Color_t Color)
    if (((CenterX + Radius) < __GLCD_Screen_Width) && ((CenterY + Radius) < __GLCD_Screen_Height))
        uint8_t x, y;
        int16_t xChange, radiusError;
        uint16_t yChange;
        x = Radius;
        y = 0;
        xChange = 1 - 2 * Radius;
        yChange = 1;
        radiusError = 0;
        while (x >= y)
            GLCD_SetPixel(CenterX+x, CenterY+y, Color);
            GLCD_SetPixel(CenterX-x, CenterY+y, Color);
            GLCD_SetPixel(CenterX-x, CenterY-y, Color);
            GLCD_SetPixel(CenterX+x, CenterY-y, Color);
            GLCD_SetPixel(CenterX+y, CenterY+x, Color);
            GLCD_SetPixel(CenterX-y, CenterY+x, Color);
            GLCD_SetPixel(CenterX-y, CenterY-x, Color);
            GLCD_SetPixel(CenterX+y, CenterY-x, Color);
            radiusError += yChange;
            yChange += 2;
            if ((2 * radiusError + xChange) > 0)
                radiusError += xChange;
                xChange += 2;

void GLCD_FillScreen(enum Color_t Color)
    uint8_t i, j;

    for (j = 0 ; j < __GLCD_Screen_Height ; j += __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height)
        for (i = 0 ; i < __GLCD_Screen_Width ; i++)
            GLCD_BufferWrite(i, j, Color);

void GLCD_FillRectangle(const uint8_t X1, const uint8_t Y1, const uint8_t X2, const uint8_t Y2, enum Color_t Color)
    GLCD_SetPixels(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Color);

void GLCD_FillRoundRectangle(const uint8_t X1, const uint8_t Y1, const uint8_t X2, const uint8_t Y2, const uint8_t Radius, enum Color_t Color)
    if ((X1 < __GLCD_Screen_Width) && (X2 < __GLCD_Screen_Width) &&
    (Y1 < __GLCD_Screen_Height) && (Y2 < __GLCD_Screen_Height))

        int16_t tSwitch = 3 - 2 * Radius;
        uint8_t width, height, x, y;
        width = X2 - X1;
        height = Y2 - Y1;
        x = 0;
        y = Radius;
        //Fill center block
        GLCD_FillRectangle(X1+Radius, Y1, X2 - Radius, Y2, Color);
        while (x <= y)
            //Left side
            X1 + Radius - x, Y1 + Radius - y,                //Upper left corner upper half
            X1 + Radius - x, Y1 + height - Radius + y,        //Lower left corner lower half
            X1 + Radius - y, Y1 + Radius - x,                    //Upper left corner lower half
            X1 + Radius - y, Y1 + height - Radius + x,            //Lower left corner upper half

            //Right side
            X1 + width - Radius    + x, Y1 + Radius - y,            //Upper right corner upper half
            X1 + width - Radius + x, Y1 + height - Radius + y,    //Lower right corner lower half
            X1 + width - Radius + y, Y1 + Radius - x,            //Upper right corner lower half
            X1 + width - Radius + y, Y1 + height - Radius + x,    //Lower right corner upper half

            if (tSwitch < 0)
                tSwitch += 4 * x +6;
                tSwitch += 4 * (x - y) + 10;

void GLCD_FillTriangle(uint8_t X1, uint8_t Y1, uint8_t X2, uint8_t y2, uint8_t X3, uint8_t Y3, enum Color_t Color)
    if (((X1 < __GLCD_Screen_Width) && (X2 < __GLCD_Screen_Width) && (X3 < __GLCD_Screen_Width) &&
    (Y1 < __GLCD_Screen_Height) && (y2 < __GLCD_Screen_Height) && (Y3 < __GLCD_Screen_Height)))
        uint8_t sl, sx1, sx2;
        double m1, m2, m3;
        sl = sx1 = sx2 = m1 = m2 = m3 = 0;
        if (y2 > Y3)
            __GLCD_Swap(X2, X3);
            __GLCD_Swap(y2, Y3);
        if (Y1 > y2)
            __GLCD_Swap(X1, X2);
            __GLCD_Swap(Y1, y2);
        m1 = (double)(X1 - X2) / (Y1 - y2);
        m2 = (double)(X2 - X3) / (y2 - Y3);
        m3 = (double)(X3 - X1) / (Y3 - Y1);
        for(sl = Y1 ; sl <= y2 ; sl++)
            sx1= m1 * (sl - Y1) + X1;
            sx2= m3 * (sl - Y1) + X1;
            if (sx1> sx2)
            __GLCD_Swap(sx1, sx2);
            GLCD_DrawLine(sx1, sl, sx2, sl, Color);
        for (sl = y2 ; sl <= Y3 ; sl++)
            sx1= m2 * (sl - Y3) + X3;
            sx2= m3 * (sl - Y1) + X1;
            if (sx1 > sx2)
                __GLCD_Swap(sx1, sx2);
            GLCD_DrawLine(sx1, sl, sx2, sl, Color);

void GLCD_FillCircle(const uint8_t CenterX, const uint8_t CenterY, const uint8_t Radius, enum Color_t Color)
    if (((CenterX + Radius) < __GLCD_Screen_Width) && 
    ((CenterY + Radius) < __GLCD_Screen_Height))
        int8_t f, ddF_x, ddF_y;
        uint8_t  x, y;
        f = 1 - Radius;
        ddF_x = 1;
        ddF_y = -2 * Radius;
        x = 0;
        y = Radius;
        //Fill in the center between the two halves
        GLCD_DrawLine(CenterX, CenterY - Radius, CenterX, CenterY + Radius, Color);

        while(x < y)
            //ddF_x = 2 * x + 1;
            //ddF_y = -2 * y;
            //f = x*x + y*y - radius*radius + 2*x - y + 1;
            if (f >= 0)
                ddF_y += 2;
                f += ddF_y;
            ddF_x += 2;
            f += ddF_x;

            //Now draw vertical lines between the points on the circle rather than
            //draw the points of the circle. This draws lines between the
            //perimeter points on the upper and lower quadrants of the 2 halves of the circle.
            GLCD_DrawVLine(CenterY + y, CenterY - y, CenterX + x, Color);
            GLCD_DrawVLine(CenterY + y, CenterY - y, CenterX - x, Color);
            GLCD_DrawVLine(CenterY + x, CenterY - x, CenterX + y, Color);
            GLCD_DrawVLine(CenterY + x, CenterY - x, CenterX - y, Color);

void GLCD_InvertRect(uint8_t X1, uint8_t Y1, uint8_t X2, uint8_t Y2)
    uint8_t width, height, offset, mask, h, i, data;

    width = X2 - X1 + 1;
    height = Y2 - Y1 + 1;
    offset = Y1 % __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height;
    Y1 -= offset;
    mask = 0xFF;
    data = 0;

    //Calculate mask for top fractioned region
    if (height < (__GLCD_Screen_Line_Height - offset))
        mask >>= (__GLCD_Screen_Line_Height - height);
        h = height;
        h = __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height - offset;
    mask <<= offset;
    //Draw fractional rows at the top of the region
    GLCD_GotoXY(X1, Y1);
    for (i = 0 ; i < width ; i++)
        data = GLCD_BufferRead(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y);
        data = ((~data) & mask) | (data & (~mask));
        GLCD_BufferWrite(__GLCD.X++, __GLCD.Y, data);

    //Full rows
    while ((h + __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height) <= height)
        h += __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height;
        Y1 += __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height;
        GLCD_GotoXY(X1, Y1);
        for (i=0 ; i < width ; i++)
            data = ~GLCD_BufferRead(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y);
            GLCD_BufferWrite(__GLCD.X++, __GLCD.Y, data);

    //Fractional rows at the bottom of the region
    if (h < height)
        mask = ~(0xFF<<(height - h));
        GLCD_GotoXY(X1, (Y1 + __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height));

        for (i = 0 ; i < width ; i++)
            data = GLCD_BufferRead(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y);
            data = ((~data) & mask) | (data & (~mask));
            GLCD_BufferWrite(__GLCD.X++, __GLCD.Y, data);

void GLCD_SetFont(const uint8_t *Name, const uint8_t Width, const uint8_t Height, enum PrintMode_t Mode)
    if ((Width < __GLCD_Screen_Width) && (Height < __GLCD_Screen_Height) && ((Mode == GLCD_Overwrite) || (Mode == GLCD_Merge)))
        //Change font pointer to new font
        __GLCD.Font.Name = (uint8_t *)(Name);
        //Update font's size
        __GLCD.Font.Width = Width;
        __GLCD.Font.Height = Height;
        //Update lines required for a character to be fully displayed
        __GLCD.Font.Lines = (Height - 1) / __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height + 1;
        //Update blending mode
        __GLCD.Font.Mode = Mode;

uint8_t GLCD_GetWidthChar(const char Character)
    return (pgm_read_byte(&(__GLCD.Font.Name[(Character - 32) * (__GLCD.Font.Width * __GLCD.Font.Lines + 1)])));

uint16_t GLCD_GetWidthString(const char *Text)
    uint16_t width = 0;

    while (*Text)
    width += GLCD_GetWidthChar(*Text++);
    return width;

uint16_t GLCD_GetWidthString_P(const char *Text)
    uint16_t width = 0;
    char r = pgm_read_byte(Text++);
    while (r)
        width += GLCD_GetWidthChar(r);
        r = pgm_read_byte(Text++);
    return width;

void GLCD_PrintChar(char Character)
    uint16_t fontStart, fontRead, fontReadPrev;
    uint8_t x, y, y2, i, j, width, lines, overflow, data, dataPrev;
    fontStart = fontRead = fontReadPrev = x = y = y2 = i = j = width = lines = overflow = data = dataPrev = 0;
    //#1 - Save current position
    x = __GLCD.X;
    y = y2 = __GLCD.Y;
    //#2 - Remove leading empty characters
    Character -= 32;                                                        //32 is the ASCII of the first printable character
    //#3 - Find the start of the character in the font array
    fontStart = Character * (__GLCD.Font.Width * __GLCD.Font.Lines + 1);        //+1 due to first byte of each array line being the width
    //#4 - Update width - First byte of each line is the width of the character
    width = pgm_read_byte(&(__GLCD.Font.Name[fontStart++]));
    data = __GLCD.X + width;                                            //"data" is used temporarily
    //If character exceed screen bounds, reduce
    if (data >= __GLCD_Screen_Width)
        width -= data-__GLCD_Screen_Width;
    //#5 - Update lines
    lines = __GLCD.Font.Lines;
    data = __GLCD.Y / __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height + lines;                //"data" is used temporarily
    //If character exceed screen bounds, reduce
    if (data > __GLCD_Screen_Lines)
        lines -= data - __GLCD_Screen_Lines;
    //#6 - Calculate overflowing bits
    overflow = __GLCD.Y % __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height;
    //#7 - Print the character
    //Scan the lines needed
    for (j = 0 ; j < lines ; j++)
        //Go to the start of the line
        GLCD_GotoXY(x, y);
        //Update the indices for reading the line
        fontRead = fontStart + j;
        fontReadPrev = fontRead - 1;

        //Scan bytes of selected line
        for (i = 0 ; i < width ; i++)
            //Read byte
            data = pgm_read_byte(&(__GLCD.Font.Name[fontRead]));
            //Shift byte
            data <<= overflow;
            //Merge byte with previous one
            if (j > 0)
                dataPrev = pgm_read_byte(&(__GLCD.Font.Name[fontReadPrev]));
                dataPrev >>= __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height - overflow;
                data |= dataPrev;
                fontReadPrev += __GLCD.Font.Lines;
            //Edit byte depending on the mode
            if (__GLCD.Font.Mode == GLCD_Merge)
                data |= GLCD_BufferRead(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y);
            //Send byte
            GLCD_BufferWrite(__GLCD.X++, __GLCD.Y, data);
            //Increase index
            fontRead += __GLCD.Font.Lines;
        //Send an empty column of 1px in the end
        if (__GLCD.Font.Mode == GLCD_Overwrite)
            data = GLCD_White;
            data = GLCD_BufferRead(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y);
        GLCD_BufferWrite(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y, data);
        //Increase line counter
        y += __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height;

    //#8 - Update last line, if needed
    if (lines > 1)
        //Go to the start of the line
        GLCD_GotoXY(x, y);
        //Update the index for reading the last printed line
        fontReadPrev = fontStart + j - 1;

        //Scan bytes of selected line
        for (i = 0 ; i < width ; i++)
            //Read byte
            data = GLCD_BufferRead(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y);
            //Merge byte with previous one
            dataPrev = pgm_read_byte(&(__GLCD.Font.Name[fontReadPrev]));
            dataPrev >>= __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height - overflow;
            data |= dataPrev;
            //Edit byte depending on the mode
            if (__GLCD.Font.Mode == GLCD_Merge)
                data |= GLCD_BufferRead(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y);
            //Send byte
            GLCD_BufferWrite(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y, data);

            //Increase index
            fontReadPrev += __GLCD.Font.Lines;
        //Send an empty column of 1px in the end
        if (__GLCD.Font.Mode == GLCD_Overwrite)
            data = GLCD_White;
        else if (__GLCD.Font.Mode == GLCD_Merge)
            data = GLCD_BufferRead(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y);
            data = ~GLCD_BufferRead(__GLCD.X, __GLCD.Y);
        GLCD_BufferWrite(__GLCD.X++, __GLCD.Y,data);

    //Move cursor to the end of the printed character
    GLCD_GotoXY(x + width + 1, y2);

void GLCD_PrintString(const char *Text)
        if ((__GLCD.X + __GLCD.Font.Width) >= __GLCD_Screen_Width)

void GLCD_PrintString_P(const char *Text)
    char r = pgm_read_byte(Text++);
        if ((__GLCD.X + __GLCD.Font.Width) >= __GLCD_Screen_Width)

        r = pgm_read_byte(Text++);

void GLCD_PrintInteger(const int32_t Value)
    if (Value == 0)
    else if ((Value > INT32_MIN) && (Value <= INT32_MAX))
        //int32_max + sign + null = 12 bytes
        char bcd[12] = { '\0' };
        //Convert integer to array
        Int2bcd(Value, bcd);
        //Print from first non-zero digit

void GLCD_PrintDouble(double Value, const uint32_t Tens)
    if (Value == 0)
        //Print characters individually so no string is stored in RAM
    else if ((Value >= (-2147483647)) && (Value < 2147483648))
        //Print sign
        if (Value<0)
            Value = -Value;
        //Print integer part
        //Print dot
        //Print decimal part
        GLCD_PrintInteger((Value - (uint32_t)(Value)) * Tens);

static void GLCD_Send(const uint8_t Data)
    //Send nibble
    DigitalWrite(GPIOA,GLCD_D0, BitCheck(Data, 0));
    DigitalWrite(GPIOA,GLCD_D1, BitCheck(Data, 1));
    DigitalWrite(GPIOA,GLCD_D2, BitCheck(Data, 2));
    DigitalWrite(GPIOA,GLCD_D3, BitCheck(Data, 3));
    DigitalWrite(GPIOA,GLCD_D4, BitCheck(Data, 4));
    DigitalWrite(GPIOA,GLCD_D5, BitCheck(Data, 5));
    DigitalWrite(GPIOA,GLCD_D6, BitCheck(Data, 6));
    DigitalWrite(GPIOA,GLCD_D7, BitCheck(Data, 7));

static void GLCD_WaitBusy(enum Chip_t Chip)
    uint8_t status = 0;
    //Busy pin = Input
    PinMode(GPIOA,GLCD_D7, Input);

    DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_DI, Low);
    DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_RW, High);
    DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_EN, Low);
    //Send Enable pulse and wait till busy flag goes Low
        DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_EN, High);
        status = DigitalRead(GPIOA,GLCD_D7) << 7;
        DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_EN, Low);
    while(BitCheck(status, __GLCD_BUSY_FLAG));

    DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_RW, Low);
    //Busy pin = Output
    PinMode(GPIOA,GLCD_D7, Output);

static void GLCD_BufferWrite(const uint8_t X, const uint8_t Y, const uint8_t Data)
    //a>>3 = a/8
    __GLCD_Buffer[X][Y>>3] = Data;

static uint8_t GLCD_BufferRead(const uint8_t X, const uint8_t Y)
    //a>>3 = a/8
    return (__GLCD_Buffer[X][Y>>3]);

static void GLCD_SelectChip(enum Chip_t Chip)
    uint8_t on, off;

    #if (GLCD_ACTIVE_LOW != 0)
        on = 0;
        off = 1;
        on = 1;
        off = 0;

    if(Chip == Chip_1)
        DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_CS2, off);
        DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_CS1, on);
    else if (Chip == Chip_2)
        DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_CS1, off);
        DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_CS2, on);
        DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_CS1, on);
        DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_CS2, on);

static void __GLCD_GotoX(const uint8_t X)
    if (X < __GLCD_Screen_Width)
        uint8_t chip, cmd;
        //Update command
        chip = __GLCD_XtoChip(X);
        cmd = ((chip == Chip_1) ? (__GLCD_Command_Set_Address | X) : (__GLCD_Command_Set_Address | (X - __GLCD_Screen_Width / __GLCD_Screen_Chips)));
        //Update tracker
        __GLCD.X = X;
        //Send command
        GLCD_SendCommand(cmd, chip);

static void __GLCD_GotoY(const uint8_t Y)
    if (Y < __GLCD_Screen_Height)
        uint8_t cmd;
        //Update command
        cmd = __GLCD_Command_Set_Page | (Y / __GLCD_Screen_Line_Height);
        //Update tracker
        __GLCD.Y = Y;
        //Send command
        GLCD_SendCommand(cmd, Chip_All);

static inline void GLCD_DrawHLine(uint8_t X1, uint8_t X2, const uint8_t Y, enum Color_t Color)
    if (X1 > X2)
        __GLCD_Swap(X1, X2);
    while (X1 <= X2)
        GLCD_SetPixel(X1, Y, Color);

static inline void GLCD_DrawVLine(uint8_t Y1, uint8_t Y2, const uint8_t X, enum Color_t Color)
    if (Y1 > Y2)
        __GLCD_Swap(Y1, Y2);

    GLCD_SetPixels(X, Y1, X, Y2, Color);

static inline void Pulse_En(void)
    DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_EN, High);
    DigitalWrite(GPIOB,GLCD_EN, Low);

static void Int2bcd(int32_t Value, char BCD[])
    uint8_t isNegative = 0;
    BCD[0] = BCD[1] = BCD[2] =
    BCD[3] = BCD[4] = BCD[5] =
    BCD[6] = BCD[7] = BCD[8] =
    BCD[9] = BCD[10] = '0';
    if (Value < 0)
        isNegative = 1;
        Value = -Value;
    while (Value > 1000000000)
        Value -= 1000000000;
    while (Value >= 100000000)
        Value -= 100000000;
    while (Value >= 10000000)
        Value -= 10000000;
    while (Value >= 1000000)
        Value -= 1000000;
    while (Value >= 100000)
        Value -= 100000;

    while (Value >= 10000)
        Value -= 10000;

    while (Value >= 1000)
        Value -= 1000;
    while (Value >= 100)
        Value -= 100;
    while (Value >= 10)
        Value -= 10;

    while (Value >= 1)
        Value -= 1;

    uint8_t i = 0;
    //Find first non zero digit
    while (BCD[i] == '0')

    //Add sign
    if (isNegative)
        BCD[i] = '-';

    //Shift array
    uint8_t end = 10 - i;
    uint8_t offset = i;
    i = 0;
    while (i <= end)
        BCD[i] = BCD[i + offset];
    BCD[i] = '\0';