int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ float Voltage_mV = 0; float Temperature_C = 0; float Temperature_F = 0; char msg[50]; /* USER CODE END 1 */ HAL_Init(); SystemClock_Config(); MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_USART1_UART_Init(); MX_TIM1_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ HAL_TIM_Base_Start(&htim1); send_uart("Initialization complete\n\r"); /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) { HAL_Delay(1000); // Delay for 1 second start_signal(); // Send start signal to DHT22 uint8_t check = check_response(); if (!check) { send_uart("No response from the sensor\r\n"); } else { // Read bytes from DHT22 RH_Byte1 = read_byte(); RH_Byte2 = read_byte(); T_Byte1 = read_byte(); T_Byte2 = read_byte(); CheckSum = read_byte(); // Combine humidity and temperature bytes uint16_t rh = (RH_Byte1 << 8) | RH_Byte2; uint16_t temp = (T_Byte1 << 8) | T_Byte2; uint8_t sign = 0; // Check if temperature is negative if (temp > 0x8000) { temp &= 0x7FFF; // Clear the sign bit sign = 1; // Indicate negative temperature } char rh_buf[5], temp_buf[5]; sprintf(rh_buf, "%03u", rh); sprintf(temp_buf, "%03u", temp); // Check checksum if (CheckSum == ((RH_Byte1 + RH_Byte2 + T_Byte1 + T_Byte2) & 0xFF)) { sprintf(msg, "RH = %03u.%1u %% ", rh / 10, rh % 10); send_uart(msg); sprintf(msg, "Temp = %c%03u.%1u C \r\n", sign ? '-' : ' ', temp / 10, temp % 10); send_uart(msg); } else { send_uart("Checksum Error! Trying Again ...\r\n"); } } } }