// Convert ADC value to temperature for LM20 float Convert_To_Temperature_LM20(unsigned int adc_value) { float Vo = ((float)adc_value * VREF) / 1023.0f; float temp = -1481.96f + sqrtf(2.1962e6f + ((1.8639f - Vo) / (3.88e-6f))); return temp; } // Convert ADC value to temperature for LM35 float Convert_To_Temperature_LM35(unsigned int adc_value) { float Vo = ((float)adc_value * VREF) / 1023.0f; float temp = Vo * 100.0f; // LM35 outputs 10mV per °C, so multiply by 100 return temp; } // Display temperature function implementation void Display_Temperature(const char* sensor_name, float temperature) { char buffer[50]; sprintf(buffer, "%s Temperature: %.2f°C\n\r", sensor_name, temperature); UART_Write_Text(buffer); } // Main function void main(void) { unsigned int adc_value_LM20, adc_value_LM35; float temperature_LM20, temperature_LM35; Initialize_ADC(); UART_TX_Init(); while(1) { // Read temperature from LM20 (connected to AN0) adc_value_LM20 = Read_ADC(0); // Channel 0 for LM20 temperature_LM20 = Convert_To_Temperature_LM20(adc_value_LM20); Display_Temperature("LM20", temperature_LM20); // Read temperature from LM35 (connected to AN1) adc_value_LM35 = Read_ADC(1); // Channel 1 for LM35 temperature_LM35 = Convert_To_Temperature_LM35(adc_value_LM35); Display_Temperature("LM35", temperature_LM35); UART_Write_Text("----------------------------\n\r"); __delay_ms(1000); // Wait before next reading } }